LPG Cylinder Price Increased: Domestic and commercial LPG cylinder prices increased from today

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Before Holi and immediately after the elections, the general public has got a big shock of inflation. Domestic LPG Cylinder Rate has become costlier from today and you will get domestic LPG cylinder costlier by Rs.50.

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Domestic LPG cylinder will be available in Delhi at a price of Rs 1103 per cylinder from today. Its previous price was Rs 1053 per cylinder.

19 kg commercial cylinder also became expensive

The price of commercial LPG cylinder has also increased and its price has been increased by a whopping Rs 350.50. After being expensive by Rs 350.50, the price of commercial gas cylinder in the capital Delhi has come down to Rs 2119.50 per cylinder.

Know the new prices of domestic LPG cylinders in four metros

The price of domestic LPG in Delhi has increased from Rs 1053 to Rs 1103.

The price of domestic LPG in Mumbai has increased from Rs 1052.50 to Rs 1102.50 per cylinder.

Domestic LPG price in Kolkata has increased from Rs 1079 to Rs 1129.

Domestic LPG price in Chennai has increased from Rs 1068.50 to Rs 118.50.

Know the new prices of commercial LPG cylinders in four metros

The price of commercial LPG in Delhi has increased from Rs 1769 to Rs 2119.50.

The price of commercial LPG in Mumbai has increased from Rs 1721 to Rs 2071.50 per cylinder.

The price of commercial LPG in Kolkata has increased from Rs 1869 to Rs 2219.50.

Commercial LPG price in Chennai has increased from Rs 1917 to Rs 2267.50.

Domestic cylinder prices increased after 8 months

The prices of domestic cylinders have increased after 8 months and earlier on July 1, an increase in the prices of domestic cylinders was seen. Due to this, the last time the price of domestic LPG cylinder was increased in July itself and since then the price of commercial gas cylinder has increased but the price of cooking gas used in homes was not increased.

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