Life Certificate: Pensioners should complete this work by 30 November! Otherwise, they will not get pension

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Life Certificate : To get pension, pensioners are required to submit Life Certificate every year. This certificate proves that the person receiving the pension is alive and should continue to receive pension.

If this certificate is not submitted on time, the pension payment is stopped. If you do not submit the Life Certificate by 30 November, then you will stop getting pension.

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What is a life certificate?

Jeevan Pramaan Patra is an important document that provides proof of the living status of the pensioner. Traditionally, it had to be submitted in person at the pension disbursement center. But now facilities like Digital Life Certificate are making this process easy and convenient.

What is Digital Life Certificate?

Digital Jeevan Pramaan is a system that allows pensioners to submit certificates online using biometric technology. From November 2021, pensioners can also submit their certificates using face authentication via Android smartphones.

Last date for submission of life certificate

It is mandatory for every pensioner to submit his/her life certificate every year in the month of November. Only after submitting the certificate on time, the pension is credited regularly in the account every month.

Methods of Submitting Life Certificate

1. Submit in person

Pensioners can go to these places and submit their life certificate themselves.

Pension Disbursing Bank

Post Office

Government approved service center

District-level Treasury Office

2. Doorstep Banking Service

For pensioners who are facing health or mobility issues, many banks are offering doorstep banking services.

To get doorstep service, you will have to do this work

You will have to request the bank representative to call you at home.

The representative will take biometric data and submit your certificate.

3. Digital Life Certificate (Digital Jeevan Pramaan)

Digital Jeevan Pramaan has made the process extremely simple.

How to deposit:

CSC Center: Visit the nearest Citizen Service Center (CSC) and submit the certificate.

Jeevan Pramaan Portal: Login to the portal and generate the certificate using the fingerprint reader.

Jeevan Pramaan Mobile App : Download the app and submit certificate online.

Post Office Service : Submit the certificate with the help of postman through India Post Payments Bank.

Face Authentication : Use Aadhaar Face RD App and Jeevan Pramaan App.

Required documents

Aadhaar number or Virtual ID (VID)

Information related to pension disbursing agency

Benefits of Digital Life Certificate

Benefits of pensioners from digital life certificate

Facility to submit certificate sitting at home.

Pension is credited to the account regularly.

The process is fast, simple, and secure.

Submit the certificates on time

Take advantage of the digital process, so that there is no need to go to the bank or center.

For any technical support, contact nearest CSC centre or bank.

Digital Jeevan Pramaan has made the process of submitting certificates very simple for pensioners. With the correct information and timely submission of certificates, you will continue to receive your pension without any hassle.


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