LIC’s launched special policy: Just a little savings every month, a return of Rs 8 lakh on maturity, know the details

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LIC has launched this special insurance policy keeping women in mind. The name of this policy is LIC Aadhaar Shila Policy.

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All those women whose age is between 8 to 55 years are eligible to get the benefit of this scheme. If you also want to secure your future, then you can invest in this plan. Let us tell you about this policy in detail.

LIC keeps bringing LIC policy for every class of people in the country. Often women are far behind in buying insurance policies. In such a situation, LIC has launched a special insurance policy keeping women in mind. In this policy, women get benefits in many ways. In this policy, any woman can buy insurance for a minimum of Rs 75 thousand and a maximum of Rs 3 lakh.

What is Cornerstone Policy?

If you want to buy LIC’s Aadhaar Shila plan, then you must have an Aadhaar card. Aadharshila Policy is a non-linked, participating, individual saving life insurance plan. This is a long term savings plan in which women from the age group of 8 years to 55 years can invest. Under this scheme of LIC, you can invest on quarterly, half yearly and yearly basis. Under this scheme, you can invest for a minimum of 10 years and a maximum of 20 years.

How to get the benefit of 8 lakhs

if you start the scheme at the age of 30 years. And saving Rs 58 every day, you will deposit Rs 21,918 in LIC Aadhaar Shila Yojana in a year. You will invest Rs 4,29,392 over 20 years while on maturity you will get a return of Rs 7,94,000. LIC’s Aadharshila plan provides both security and savings. Only those women can take advantage of this, whose Aadhaar card is made.

Details of Aadharshila Scheme

In this scheme, women get a sum assured of Rs 75,000 from a non-linked, participating, individual saving life insurance plan up to Rs 3 lakh. Along with this, the maximum age of maturity of this scheme is 70 years. This plan of LIC provides financial help to the policyholder and the family after his death.

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