LIC Special offer! Now the company is giving a discount of Rs 4000 on this type of policy

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LIC Policy: There is good news for those having LIC policy. If you have also taken a LIC policy and it has lapsed, then now you can reactivate it again.

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A special campaign (LIC’s Special Revival Campaign) has been started by LIC, in which you can start your lapsed policy. Along with this, one is also getting the benefit of discount on re-starting the policy. LIC has given information about this by tweeting.

LIC tweeted

LIC has written on Twitter that a special revival campaign has been started by LIC. In this, policyholders are getting a chance to restart their lapsed policies. For information about this special revival campaign, you can contact LIC branch or agent.

You will get 30 percent discount in late fees

Let us tell you that LIC has told that customers will get the benefit of up to 30 percent discount in late fees. Those customers whose unpaid premium is more than 5 years old will not be able to avail this benefit.

You will get a discount of Rs 4000 in late fees

LIC is giving 30 percent discount in late fees. Customers will get the benefit of discount of Rs 3000 on policies with premium up to Rs 1 lakh. Apart from this, if the premium of your policy is between Rs 1 to 3 lakh then you will get a discount of Rs 3500. At the same time, on policies worth more than Rs 3 lakh, you will get a rebate of Rs 4000 in late fees.

Visit the official link

For more information about this campaign you can visit the official link .

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