Jobs for Women: Employment has increased for women but they are not getting good jobs, what do the statistics say

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Jobs for Women: If India has to develop then half of its population should have strong economic hands. The World Bank had also recently said that if India has to climb the ladder of progress then it will have to make better employment arrangements for women.

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If women’s hands become strong then no one can stop India from developing. Employment among women has increased in urban areas of India. The unemployment rate of women has come down to 8.6 percent. However, women are still not able to get good jobs, which is a matter of concern.

The number of salaried women decreased

According to the data of the Ministry of Statistics and Programs, the unemployment rate of women has decreased in the July-September quarter. However, they are not able to get regular employment. Due to this, the number of salaried women has decreased to 55 percent in this quarter. Besides, the number of men doing salaried jobs has also reduced, it is now only 47 percent left. However, the number of men doing irregular jobs remained the same in this quarter also. The employment figures of cities have remained the same in the second quarter of the current financial year.

All the new jobs were provided by the agricultural sector

The survey revealed that almost all new jobs were created in the agricultural sector, while the number of jobs in other sectors has decreased. Due to sowing in Kharif season, employment in agriculture sector has increased. However, it is disappointing that these jobs will also disappear with the end of the sowing season. Therefore, the figures in the next quarter may be disappointing.

If you get work even for one hour a week, it is considered employment.
The government releases job figures in urban areas every quarter. In this survey, every person who has got even one hour of work within seven days at the time of the survey is considered employed. The unemployment rate includes persons aged 15 years and above.

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