Jeevan Pramaan Patra: You will not have to make any rounds, the bank will take your certificate after coming home.

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Pension is very important for senior citizens and for this they have to submit their life certificate every year. This is the best time for this because the government has given time for this from 1st October to 30th November. In such a situation, if you do not want to visit the bank, then the bank itself will come to you and submit the life certificate.

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This time is very special for senior citizens receiving pension because they will have to submit the life certificate in their bank. The government has given a date for this, before which people will have to submit their certificates, this date has been fixed from 1st October to 30th November. Let us tell you that Digital Life Certificate is a biometric based service.

In such a situation, if you do not want to stand in long queues and do not want to go to the bank or post office, then we have brought a method for you, with the help of which you can easily submit your digital life certificate. We are talking about door step banking. Let us know about it.

Door step banking

  • Through SBI’s Door Step Banking, you can easily submit Digital Life Certificate from the comfort of your home.
  • SBI’s website has revealed that if you want to avail this service then you will have to contact its nearest branch.
  • It has been revealed in media reports that in this facility you are also given DSB app, web portal or toll free number.
  • To avail this facility, you must have some important documents. This includes Aadhaar number, mobile number, linking of bank with Aadhaar, PPO number, pension account number, bank details.
  • For this you will have to pay Rs 70 and GST charge. Let us tell you that some banks provide this facility for free.

How to register-

  • For this, first download the Door Step Banking App.
  • Then register by entering your mobile number and enter OTP.
  • After this enter your name, pin code, email, password
  • Now tick the term and condition
  • After this enter your address and select time slot.
  • Now the bank will send you an SMS, in which you will get the agent’s name, mobile number and service number.
  • After which door step banking charge will be deducted and your certificate will be submitted.
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