IPPB Executive Recruitment 2024 : Vacancy for executive posts in India Post Payment Bank, apply this way

IPPB Executive Recruitment 2024 : Vacancy for executive posts in India Post Payment Bank, apply this way
IPPB Executive Recruitment 2024 : Vacancy for executive posts in India Post Payment Bank, apply this way
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IPPB Executive Jobs 2024: India Post Payment Bank has announced vacancy for 47 posts. For which candidates can apply through the steps given here.

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IPPB Executive Recruitment 2024: Vacancy has been released by India Post Payment Bank by issuing a recruitment notification. For which candidates can apply by visiting the official site. Executive posts will be filled through this recruitment drive. To apply, candidates have to visit the official site ippbonline.com . The last date to apply for this recruitment drive has been fixed as 05 April 2024. After the last date passes, candidates will not be able to apply.

IPPB Executive Recruitment 2024: Here are the vacancy details

This recruitment drive will recruit 47 executive posts in India Post Payment Bank. Under the campaign, 21 posts have been earmarked for unreserved categories, 4 posts for EWS category, 12 posts for OBC category, 7 posts for SC category and three posts for ST category.

IPPB Executive Recruitment 2024: Age Limit

According to the notification, the age of the candidates applying for the recruitment drive should be between 21 years to 35 years. Whereas, reserved category candidates will be given relaxation in maximum age.

IPPB Executive Recruitment 2024: This much application fee will have to be paid
Candidates applying for this recruitment drive will have to pay the application fee. Candidates applying will have to pay Rs 700 as fee. Whereas SC/ST/PWD category candidates applying will have to pay an application fee of Rs 150.

IPPB Executive Recruitment 2024: Selection will be done like this
Candidates will be selected for these posts on the basis of marks obtained in graduation/group discussion/personal interview.

IPPB Executive Recruitment 2024: How to apply

Step 1: To apply, candidates visit IPPB website ippbonline.com

Step 2: Then click on Career option on the candidate homepage

Step 3: Now candidates register and fill the application form

Step 4: After this the candidates upload all the required documents

Step 5: Then candidates pay the application fee

Step 6: Now candidates submit the application form

Step 7: After this the candidates should download the application form

Step 8: Finally candidates take a print out of the application form

Airport Baggage Rules: These items cannot be carried in the bag while going abroad, otherwise heavy fine will be imposed

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