Indian Railways Rules Change: TTE cannot check your ticket after this time in train, know these important rules

Indian Railways Rules
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You will often travel in the train and during this TTE will also be checking your ticket. But do you know that after 10 pm, TTE cannot check your ticket in the train.

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If you are traveling in train and TTE disturbs you after 10 pm, then you can refuse it. TTE does not have the right to pick up the passenger who is resting after 10 pm and check his ticket. Let us know what are the rules of Indian Railways which are related to travel and passengers.

c for checking tickets

If you are traveling by train and it is past 10 in the night, TTE cannot disturb you till morning. If any TTE comes to check your train ticket after 10 pm, you can refuse it.

Can we turn on the lights in the box at night?

You must know these rules related to traveling in train. During the night, except for the night light in the train compartment, everything has to be closed because it can disturb the sleep of the passengers.

Till what time can we talk at night?

If you are traveling in a train with your group then you cannot talk to each other after 10 pm. This is because the noise from your conversation may disturb other passengers.

What is the rule regarding opening of berths?

If your berth in the train is at the bottom and the fellow passenger wants to open the middle berth for sleeping, then you cannot refuse him.

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