Indian Railways: Railways refunds the fare if the AC of the train does not work, know what are the refund rules

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Indian Railways Refund Policy: Crores of people travel daily in thousands of trains of Indian Railways. Indian Railways works day and night to provide better services to its passengers.

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In some cases, if the Indian Railways is not able to provide the scheduled services to its passengers, then in such a situation it returns the fare to them. In these cases, one case is also related to AC. If you have booked a ticket in AC class and AC does not work during the journey due to any reason, then according to the rules of the railway, you can get a refund. Let’s know.

Returns according to the distance traveled during the passenger

According to the rules of Indian Railways, if AC is not available at any stage of the journey, then Railways gives refund on your ticket for that stage. Suppose you are traveling from Delhi to Varanasi in AC train. But if AC does not run in your AC coach from Kanpur to Varanasi, then you will get refund on the fare from Kanpur to Varanasi. For this, Railways has made rules for all categories of AC coaches.

Refund rules are different for different classes

  • For First Class AC coach, the difference between the fare for First Class AC and First Class Mail coach will be refunded.
  • For 2nd AC or 3rd AC fare, the difference between the 2nd AC or 3rd AC fare and the Sleeper Class Mail/Express fare will be refunded.
  • For AC Chair Car, the difference between AC Chair Car fare and 2nd Class Mail/Express fare will be refunded.

How to get refund if AC does not work

In case of non-working of AC, refund of difference of fare will be given at destination station on production of ticket along with certificate issued by Conductor, Guard, TTE of that train. The certificate will have the details of the compartment number and the stations between which the AC did not run. Keep in mind that in case of non-working of AC, the ticket will have to be shown for refund within 20 hours of the arrival of the train.

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