Indian Passport ranking fell but two names added to the list, now Indians can go to 62 countries without visa

Indian Passport ranking fell but two names added to the list, now Indians can go to 62 countries without visa
Indian Passport ranking fell but two names added to the list, now Indians can go to 62 countries without visa
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Visa Free Countries For Indian Passport: Big news has come for Indian citizens thinking of traveling outside the country. Recently Henley Passport Index has been released in which countries are ranked on the basis of strong passports. Know here which country came at which number in this list.

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Visa Free Countries For Indian Passport: Passport is required a lot to travel around the world. A powerful passport helps the citizens of that country to travel to different countries without visa. In such a situation, Henley Passport Index ranks the passports of countries based on their strength. Recently Henley Passport Index 2024 has been released. Let us tell which country is at which number in this list and where India is ranking.

Many countries with France on top of the list

Topping this list, France’s passport has become the strongest in the world. Now French citizens can travel to 194 countries without a visa. But not only France is on top but also Japan, Germany, Italy, Spain and Singapore.

How strong is the Indian passport?

Where Indian passport was ranked 84 in 2023, now it has fallen down to 85 in 2024, but one good thing in this is that where Indian citizens could go to only 60 countries without visa, now they can go to 62 countries.

How is the situation in neighboring countries?

Neighboring country Pakistan remains at its last year’s rank of 106, however, Bangladesh has fallen from 101 to 102. Talking about Maldives, its passport is at 58th rank due to which citizens of Maldives can visit a total of 96 countries without visa. There has been a good jump in the rank of China’s passport. Where last year it was at number 66, now it has come at number 64.

How are these rankings prepared?

The Henley Passport Index is based on the last 19 years of data provided by IATA i.e. International Air Transport Association on passports of 199 different countries and about 227 travel destinations around the world. The index here is updated every month.

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