Income Tax Exemption! These 5 major changes can happen in Income Tax, common taxpayer will be benefited

Great news for Taxpayers! Finance Ministry has issued a big update
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The preparation of Budget 2023 is in the final stages. There is also a Lok Sabha election in May 2024. Before that this is the last full time budget. Big relief is expected on the income tax front in this budget.

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There is a big opportunity for the government to make it populist. It is expected that many big announcements regarding income tax can be made in this budget. Sharekhan has released a report before the budget. In this, what are the expectations regarding personal income tax, it has been mentioned. The report believes that the government’s emphasis in the budget will be on capital expenditure, so that the economy gets a boost. There is little hope for policy reform.

Tax relief expected due to these 3 factors

Sharekhan said in his report that there are three major reasons for the change in income tax. Inflation is still intact and the fear of recession is increasing. The condition of the global economy is worse. Apart from this, there is an atmosphere of retrenchment all around.

In such a situation, the job market is weak. The burden of EMI on employed people is increasing separately. In such a situation, if the government gives relief to the income tax payers, then money will be saved in the hands of the people and consumption will improve. This will give a boost to growth.

What 5 major changes are expected in Income Tax?

1. At present, tax is not levied up to Rs 2.5 lakh. There is a demand to increase this limit to 5 lakhs.

2. From 2.5 lakhs to 5 lakhs, now 5% tax is levied. Under the old tax system, a rebate of Rs 125,000 is available. There is no rebate in the new tax system. There is a demand from the Finance Minister that 5 percent tax should be implemented from 5 lakh to 10 lakh.

3. At present, income up to 5-10 lakhs is taxed at 20% under the old tax system. There is a demand from the Finance Minister that its threshold limit should be increased to 10-20 lakhs and 20% tax should be imposed on this income.

4. At present, income above 10 lakhs is taxed at 30% under the old tax system. There is a demand from the government that the maximum tax rate should be reduced from 30 percent to 25 percent. At present, net tax on 30 per cent tax is 35.6 per cent including surcharge and cess.

5. The fifth demand is that at present the threshold limit for 30 per cent tax is Rs 10 lakh. be increased to 20 lakhs. Meaning, maximum tax rate should be implemented after Rs 20 lakh.

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