Income Tax Big news : Income Tax Department issued a new order to the person filing ITR

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Income Tax New Update: The process of filing Income Tax Return has started. This year, individual income taxpayers will have to file ITR for FY 2021-22 by July 31, 2022.

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If the income tax return is filed after this date, a penalty may also be levied. Even if a person’s income is not taxable, such a person can file an income tax return. There are many benefits of filing income tax returns for such people as well. However, people are facing many difficulties in filing income tax returns.

The Income Tax Department has also taken action. Proactive steps”. Income Tax Department has also tweeted about this. “It has been observed that taxpayers are facing problems in accessing the e-filing portal of Income Tax Department,” the Income Tax Department tweeted. As reported by Infosys they have noticed some irregular movements on the portal, which are actively taking steps to deal with it.

was launched in 2021. Taxpayers and professionals had to face trouble from the very beginning. Infosys was awarded an agreement in 2019 to develop a portal. Infosys paid Rs. 164.5 crore has been paid.


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