Income tax Basic exemption limit: Salaried people will get exemption on income tax, tax rebate will increase

Income Tax exemption limit
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Budget 2023: Inflation has increased wildly since Covid. Due to which the middle class people had to face a lot of problems. On the one hand, they have to pay income tax, on the other hand, rising inflation affects their pockets more.

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In such a situation, the government can make some such provisions in this budget. So that the middle class people are not affected much. Marketing data and analytics company Cantor conducted a survey. In which most people believe that the government should make policy changes in income tax.

There will be change in income tax.

In a survey, consumer sentiments and Union Budget 2023 have been assessed. 1,892 consumers were included in this survey. In this, all types of people like salaried, business owners, apart from common man and rich class were included. It has come to light in this survey that people are also speculating about the announcement of policy changes in consumers and income tax.

Tax rebate will increase

The salaried class expects the basic exemption limit in income tax to exceed Rs 2.5 lakh. It has also been told in this survey that the highest tax slab rate of 30 percent can be increased from the existing Rs 10 lakh. In this survey, more than two-thirds of the people say that there should be an increase in tax rebate on investing under section 80C.

Discount on health insurance will increase

Apart from this, people in the survey have also told that the healthcare cost is increasing day by day. In such a situation, exemption should be given on medical and health insurance. Those people say that rising inflation has already affected the household income.

New thing came to the fore

After the Covid epidemic, people have become aware about health as most of the people involved in the survey say that continuous attention should be paid to healthcare. People in the survey have also said that the Indian economy is doing well. At the same time, people have said in the survey that in 2023 the Indian economy will move forward.

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