How to check pension status from EPFO ​​website, know the process

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Many benefits are given to the salaried employees under the Employees’ Provident Fund Organization. In this, from pension to interest benefit, tax benefit etc. On the other hand, if an employee is retiring, a 12-digit number is issued to him. With the help of this number, he can get his pension related information.

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EPS subscribers can use this PPO to check their pension status by visiting the EPFO ​​website. This 12 digit PPO is unique for each pensioner or family pensioner and works as a reference number for any communication. This 12 digits can be used by pensioners or beneficiary families to register complaints. If you also want to check pension status or status, then let us know how to do so.

how to check online status

  • First of all login to
  • Click on ‘Pensioner Portal’ under the Online Services tab.
  • You will be redirected to ‘Welcome To’ on the Pensioners Portal. Now click on ‘Know Your PPO Number’.
  • Enter your bank account number or PF number.

After entering the required data you will get your PPO. Now you can easily check the status of your pension. The below process has to be followed.

  • First of all login to
  • Under Online Services click on Pensioners Portal.
  • You will be redirected to ‘Pensioners Welcome Portal’.
  • Now on the new page click on ‘Know Your Pension Status’ which is on the right side of the page.
  • Select the office, office ID, PPO number and click on ‘Status Received’ to get the status of your pension.
  • Now complete information related to pension will open in front of you.

It is worth noting that the benefit of pension scheme is given to the employees under EPF. You can avail pension by contributing some amount under the pension account .

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