Home Loan Tips: Don’t forget to take these two documents after closing the home loan.

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Home Loan: Nowadays when people buy a car or a house, a large number of people depend on loans. Not only this, many people also take personal loans. In such a situation, if we talk about home loans, it is seen that not everyone has lakhs of rupees together, due to which they have to take a home loan from the bank to buy a house.

The bank gives home loans to eligible people and takes interest from them in return. If you also have a home loan running or about to end or you are getting it closed before time etc. In such a situation, it becomes important for you to know which are the two documents that you should take while getting the loan closed. If you do not do this, then you can definitely get into trouble later.

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  • Actually, the documents which you will learn about further are important because if you do not take these documents then you can get into trouble and there can be a problem with your property. Therefore, it becomes important for you to know about these documents.
  • If you have a home loan and now it is ending or you are closing it by paying the full amount in advance etc. In such a situation, you should take NOC i.e. No Objection Certificate from the bank. This is a document which shows that you have paid the loan in full and now you do not have to pay anything to the bank. So do not forget to take NOC.
  • If you have received the NOC, then your work does not end here because you have to check the information given in it carefully. Check that the date of loan closure, your full name, bank account details, loan details and complete property details are correct. If this is not the case, then contact the bank and get the correct NOC made.
  • After closing the loan, you have to get an encumbrance certificate from the registrar’s office. Actually, this is a document which shows that there is no liability on your property. It is also important to have this document with you because you need it while selling the property.
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