Guaranteed Income: Rs.13200 pension will be available for lifetime on lump sum investment of 2 lakhs , check details

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Post Office MIS Calculator: The volatility of the market does not have any effect on your investment made in this scheme. In this your money is completely safe. You have to invest only once in MIS account. Its maturity is of 5 years. That is, after five years you will start having guaranteed monthly income.

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MIS Calculator: Rs 13,200 per year

According to the MIS calculator, if a person opens this account with a lump sum deposit of Rs 2 lakh, then he will have an income of Rs 13,200 annually for the next five years after maturity. That is, every month you will get Rs 1,100. In this way, you will get total interest of Rs.66,000 in five years. At present, 6.6% annual interest is being paid on the MIS of the Post Office.

Account can be opened with Rs 1000

The account can be opened with a minimum investment of Rs 1,000 in the POMIS scheme. Both single and joint account can be opened. You can invest a maximum of Rs 4.5 lakh in a single account and up to Rs 9 lakh in a joint account. Interest is paid every month in MIS. Any Indian citizen can invest in the Post Office Monthly Income Scheme.

It may have premature closure. However, you can withdraw money only after completion of one year from the date of deposit. According to the rules, if the money is withdrawn between one year to three years, then 2% of the deposit amount will be refunded. If you withdraw money at any time before maturity after 3 years of account opening, then 1% of your deposit will be refunded after deducting it.

POMIS: Know these rules also 

  • In MIS, two or three people together can also open a joint account. The income received in exchange for this account is given equally to every member.
  • You can convert a joint account to a single account at any time. Single account can also be converted into joint account.
  • You can also transfer MIS account from one post office to another post office. 
  • On maturity i.e. completion of five years, it can be extended for a further 5-5 years. 
  • Nomination facility is available in MIS account. This scheme money is completely safe.

POMIS: How to open account

To open an MIS account, you must have aadhar card or passport or voter card or driving license for ID proof. You have to provide 2 passport size photographs. For address proof, ID card or utility bill issued by the government will be valid.

By taking this document, you will have to go to the post office and fill the form of the Post Office Monthly Income Scheme. You can also download it online. Along with filling the form, the name of the nominee will also have to be given. To open this account, initially 1000 rupees have to be deposited through cash or cheque.



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