Government Issued New Service For Pensioners ! Pensioner are enjoying this special facility of the government, they are reaping the benefits

EPFO Pension
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Giving great relief to the pensioners, the Indian Insurance Regulator has allowed the submission of Digital Life Certificate through face recognition service in the month of September last.

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Digital Life Certificate: Pensioners across the country are very much liking the process of submitting Digital Life Certificate. Due to which pensioners are taking full advantage of this facility. Due to this, many of their problems have now become easier. Now they do not have to go round the offices. In order to provide better facilities to the pensioners of the National Pension Scheme , the Insurance Regulatory of India had given permission to submit Digital Life Certificate through Face Recognition Service in the month of September, giving great relief .

Explain that the option of face recognition service has been kept in front of the pensioners because most of the pensioners are of that age where there was difficulty in physically going to the pension office and submitting the life certificate. The physical condition of many of these pensioners is also not good. Face recognition service is pleasing to the pensioners. Till October, more than 1.52 lakh pensioners have availed the facility of Face Recognition Service for Digital Life Certificate.

Digital life certificate is getting a boost

The Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare is promoting Digital Life Certificate through Face Recognition (Face Authentication Technique). For this, special camps are being organized by all registered pensioner associations, pension disbursing banks, ministries of the Government of India and CGHS wellness centers across the country. So that digital life certificate / face authentication technology can be promoted for submission of life certificates.

According to the data of Department of Pension and Pensioners Welfare, a total of 29,29,986 Digital Life Certificates (DLCs) have been issued till 1 October 2022. Out of this, a total of 1,52,172 pensioners have opted for Digital Life Certificate through face recognition. At the same time, 11,95,594 pensioners of the Central Government have adopted Digital Life Certificate (DLC). Out of these, 96,099 Central Government pensioners have opted for DLC through face authentication.

Possible to submit life certificate from home

Please tell that before this the life certificate had to be submitted in the office in the form of hardcopy. For this, old age pensioners had to wait for hours in queues outside the banks. It is now possible to submit Life Certificate conveniently at the click of a button from the comfort of one’s home. In the process of submitting life certificate through face authentication through mobile phone, details about Aadhaar number, mobile number for OTP, PPO number and bank/post office account number are required for the first time.

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