Good News For ATM card holders, Bank is giving full 5 lakh benefit, apply like this

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ATM Card Online Apply: If you also use ATM card then there is great news for you. The bank has told that 5 lakh rupees will be given to the customers who are using the ATM card … Yes, many people do not know about this facility of the bank. Today we will tell you how you can take advantage of 5 lakhs.

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What is Bank Facility?

At present, most of the customers in the country use ATM cards. So how can you take advantage of 5 lakhs in such a situation. Let us tell you that on behalf of the bank, the facility of insurance is given to the ATM users.

Many types of free services are provided to customers with Accidental Insurance ATM Card. Insurance is also one of these. As soon as the bank issues an ATM card to a customer, the customer gets the facility of accidental insurance. Although many people are not aware about this insurance.

Insurance is available according to the category, the bank gives insurance to the cardholders according to different categories. The card categories are Classic, Platinum and Normal. 50,000 on normal MasterCard, Rs 1 lakh on Classic ATM card, Rs 1.5 to 2 lakh on Visa card and Rs 5 lakh on Platinum card.

Money is available even after death, if ATM card users dies in an accident, then insurance is available from 1 to 5 lakh rupees. On the other hand, if one hand or one leg is damaged, then in that case the sum insured of up to Rs 50000 is available. For this you have to apply to the bank. The nominee of the cardholder has to submit the application to the bank.

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