Good news for Aadhaar Holders! UIDAI a statement released, Fake Aadhaar and fake transactions will be banned

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UIDAI said in a statement released on Monday that with the AIML-based new system, it would be easy to find out the vitality of the fingerprint. This will crack down on fraud caused by fake print, fake silicone thumb.

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The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has given good news for crores of Aadhaar holders of the country. Under this, a new feature has been added to Aadhaar, which will prevent fraud. Actually, a new feature has been introduced in Aadhaar to make fingerprint based authentication more secure. It will be used in bank, financial sector, telecom and government services.

Fake transactions will be banned

UIDAI said in a statement released on Monday that with the AIML-based new system, it would be easy to find out the vitality of the fingerprint. This will crack down on fraud caused by fake print, fake silicone thumb. Both these factors will be effective in preventing authentication spoofing. Explain that this security system based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) has been developed by the authority itself.

Made stronger with authentication based transactions

Uses a combination of fingerprints and both dark and light lines of the fingerprint to verify the authenticity of the fingerprint. Two-level authentication reduces the chances of misuse of Aadhaar. It has been said in the statement that the new system is making authentication based transactions even stronger and safer.

Increase in authentication transactions

Let us tell you that positive growth is being seen in Aadhaar-based authentication transactions. Because it has proved helpful in availing many welfare benefits and services. According to statistics, by the end of December 2022, the total number of Aadhaar authentication transactions had crossed 88.29 billion. On an average, 70 million transactions were happening per day. Most of them are fingerprint based authentication.

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