Gold Price Today: Big fall in Gold and Silver price today, check today’s latest price

Gold Price Today: Big fall in Gold and Silver price today, check today's latest price
Gold Price Today: Big fall in Gold and Silver price today, check today's latest price
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Gold Price Today: According to the India Bullion and Jewelers Association, on Tuesday (August 27) evening, 24 carat gold (Gold Rate) was Rs 71762 per 10 grams, which has come down to Rs 71694 today, 28 August 2024 morning. Similarly, both gold and silver have become cheaper on the basis of purity.

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Gold Price Today: There has been a decline in the price of gold and silver in the Indian bullion market today (August 28, 2024). The price of gold has crossed Rs 71 thousand per 10 grams. At the same time, the price of silver is more than Rs 84 thousand per kg. At the national level, the price of 24 carat 10 grams of gold with 999 purity is Rs 71694. Whereas the price of 999 purity silver is Rs 84720 per kg.

According to the India Bullion and Jewelers Association, on Tuesday (August 27) evening, 24 carat gold was Rs 71762 per 10 grams, which has come down to Rs 71694 today, 28 August 2024 morning. Similarly, both gold and silver have become cheaper on the basis of purity.

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Latest price of gold and silver

Accuracy Tuesday evening rates Wednesday morning rate How much did it become cheaper
Gold (per 10 grams) 999     71762 71694 Rs 68
Gold (per 10 grams) 995      71475 71407 Rs 68
Gold (per 10 grams) 916      65734 65672 Rs 62
Gold (per 10 grams) 750      53822 53771 51 rupees
Gold (per 10 grams) 585      41981 41941 40 rupees
Silver (per 1 kg) 999      85962 84720 1242 rupees cheaper

Know the price of gold and silver by missed call

Rates are not released by ibja on Saturdays and Sundays apart from the holidays declared by the Central Government. To know the retail rates of 22 carat and 18 carat gold jewelery, you can give a missed call to 8955664433. Rates will be available through SMS in a short while. Apart from this, you can visit or for regular updates.

Please note that the prices issued by the Indian Bullion Jewelers Association provide information about the standard price of gold of different purities. All these prices are before tax and making charges. The rates issued by IBJA are accepted across the country but GST is not included in its prices. Please note that while buying jewellery, the rates of gold or silver are higher because they are inclusive of tax.

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