Gold hallmarking Rules Change: Gold jewelery will now have 6 digit ‘identification’, customers will be benefited

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The government is going to change the rules related to gold hallmarking from 1 April 2023. From April 1, 2023, 6 digit alphanumeric HUID (Hallmark Unique Identification) will be mandatory in gold jewelery and artefacts.

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If you are worried about its purity while buying gold jewellery, then the government has taken a big step to provide relief to you. The government is going to change the rules related to gold hallmarking from 1 April 2023.From April 1, 2023, a 6-digit alphanumeric HUID (Hallmark Unique Identification) will be mandatory for all gold jewelery and artefacts. Sale of gold jewelery and gold artefacts which do not have a 6 digit alphanumeric unique identification number will not be permitted from April 1.

Customers will get this big benefit, now there will be 3 marks

Gold jewellery, now there will be 6 digit HUID. It will be alphanumeric. That is, it will have a combination of both letters and numbers. With the alphanumeric unique identification number, the customer will be able to know which jeweler the jewelery has been made by. Also, you will be able to locate the Hallmarking Center. Gold jewelery and gold artefacts will now have 3 essential marks. Gold jewelery will now have the BIS logo, purity of gold in carats and a 6-digit alphanumeric HUID code.

Gold jewelery currently has 4 hallmarking marks

In the present hallmarking system, there are 4 marks on gold jewellery. Gold jewelery bears the logo of the Bureau of Indian Standards, the purity of gold jewelery in carats, the identification mark of the hallmarking center and the jeweller’s logo/code. Hallmarking of gold jewelery started in the year 2000 in the country. The Ministry of Consumer Affairs says that currently more than 3 lakh gold articles are hallmarked with HUID every day.

Gold jewelery currently has 4 hallmarking marks

In the present hallmarking system, there are 4 marks on gold jewellery. Gold jewelery bears the logo of the Bureau of Indian Standards, the purity of gold jewelery in carats, the identification mark of the hallmarking center and the jeweller’s logo/code. Hallmarking of gold jewelery started in the year 2000 in the country. The Ministry of Consumer Affairs says that currently more than 3 lakh gold articles are hallmarked with HUID every day.

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