Go First Flight Refund: If you have booked Go First airline tickets in the past or for any day to come, then there is good news for you.
In fact, the Go First airline, which is facing financial crisis, has completely canceled passenger flights from May 3, 2023 to May 23, 2023. Passengers are facing problems due to flight cancellation and their money is stuck with the airline. People are continuously writing about their refund on social media.
took steps to refund the money
Now a step has been taken by Go First to refund the money of the people. Aviation company has launched a new website for refund claims. However, passengers will get this refund only after making the payment to the travel agent and other website. GoFirst to process refunds for canceled flight ticketsgofirstclaims.in/claimsWebsite has been launched. At present, till May 10, all the defaulters can give their information through this website.
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Read the claim guide carefully
Go First informed that the claim management portal is for CIRP of Go Airlines (India) Limited. Passengers who want to process their claim should read the claim guide carefully before making a refund claim through this website. In case of any technical issue on the portal, you can inform through e-mail at portal.technicalissues@gmail.com . Apart from this, for any kind of more information regarding CIRP, you can mail on gofirstcirp@gmail.com .
What things will be needed in refund claim
If you are claiming to get refund of canceled flight ticket of Go First, then you must keep some things in mind to start the claim process. For claim refund, you will need things like mobile number, mail id, PDF of ticket, account passbook etc. For this, it is important that you save the PDF of all these documents with you in advance. Check your application process by uploading these things in the claim process.