Free Air Ticket Offer : Just answer one question…SpiceJet has brought a fun offer, know the details

Air Ticket
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SpiceJet has come up with an attractive contest in which you have to give a surprising answer to the question. The airlines will give free tickets to the destination of their choice to the participants who give the best answers. Read further for more information…

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Free Air Ticket: Spice Jet has brought an interesting offer for you. In this offer you have to answer only one question creatively in your own style. If SpaceJet likes your creativity, you can get a free air ticket to any destination in the country. Yes, if you also want to take advantage of this offer of Spice Jet, then read this news carefully till the bottom, follow the given rules and give a constructive answer to the question and get a free air ticket.

According to Spice Jet, any Indian citizen can participate in this competition. SpiceJet employees, their families, personnel from agencies related to the company have been kept away from this competition. If you are also interested in participating in the contest, you must submit your response on the official social media handles of SpiceJet by 29 February 2024 at 23:59 PM. Before submitting your answer, you will also have to like and follow the social media handles of Spice Jet.

How to answer the question

According to Spice Jet, you will write your answer after liking and following the social media handles of the airline. Before sending a reply, you will tag two of your friends in your post with @spicejetairlines. If SpiceJet likes your answer, you will be able to get a free ticket of SpiceJet Airlines to the domestic destination of your choice. Also, you must share your contact details and travel details with the airline within 15 days of the result declaration.

You have to answer this question to get a free ticket

Airlines have given three words – SOP. You have to prepare such a full form of these three words, which has humor along with sarcasm. If your creativity is found to be at its best then you can travel to your desired destination within a month from the declaration of results. Yes, in this ticket the airlines will pay only the base fare. Apart from this, all taxes, surcharges, levies will have to be paid by you. Apart from this, there are some other conditions which you must read carefully.

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