Flight Ticket rate increased: NRIs returning from India abroad, flight rates are super high

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As the month of March is coming to an end and summer is starting, the crowd of people going from India to America and Canada is increasing. Meanwhile, flight tickets have also increased manifold.

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According to the information, the fare for flights from Ahmedabad to New York, America and Canada has increased up to three times in this peak season. In such a situation, NRIs who want to return abroad are facing trouble. This includes students and people working there.

Estimates by travel operators suggest that a one-way trip to the US, which was around Rs 45,000 pre-corona, could cost at least Rs 95,000 to Rs 1 lakh if ​​booked three months in advance for travel in July. have increased till At the same time, flight tickets for Canada up to Rs 1.3 lakh have reached.

Rates rising due to travel demand

Travel companies and booking agents are citing increased travel to the US and Canada during summer as the reason for the increase in ticket rates. Ankit Bajaj, owner of a travel company in Ahmedabad, says that flight connectivity has improved this year after Corona. The risk of corona has reduced in people. Because of which people are traveling in such a huge amount. In view of the travel demand, airline companies have increased the prices of flight tickets.

Waiting period is also the reason for US visa

At the same time, delay in visa appointment for America is also believed to be one of the main reasons behind this. When people get an appointment, then after travel planning, people book tickets. Due to the last minute booking, tickets are getting costlier. In such a situation, expensive tickets are becoming a problem for people studying or working abroad. They are forced to buy expensive tickets.

Understand this thing in the same way that a person named Saurabh had to go to Canada from Ahmedabad. His one-way fare in economy class is Rs 1.56 lakh.

The number of travelers increased by 30% this year

Since Corona, the number of people going abroad from India has increased by 30% this year. Travel Agents Association of India (TAAI) chairman Virendra Shah told that students who did not get visa last year are traveling this year.

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