Flight fare reduced! Flight from Delhi to Mumbai is available at less than half the price, the fare has reduced so much

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Flight fare reduced! If you are planning to go to Mumbai then there is good news for you. There has been a huge drop in the air fares for going from Delhi to Mumbai.

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Apart from this, the fare of many domestic flights has also reduced. In such a situation, this is a relief news for those people who travel by flights. In the summer season, where there is a spurt in the rents due to the holidays, a decline has been registered in the domestic rents in the last one month.

The maximum decline has happened on flights from Delhi to Mumbai route. The flight ticket price on this route has come down to less than half the price 24 hours ago. Where 24 hours ago it used to cost 14 thousand rupees for the ticket, now only 4500 rupees ticket is being booked from Delhi to Mumbai.

Rent is so low

The fare which was usually 14 to 19 thousand rupees from Delhi to Mumbai has come down to less than half. To go from Delhi to Mumbai 24 hours ago, now people have to spend only Rs 4500. It is not that the flight demand has reduced. 4 lakh passengers are traveling by flight daily. Apart from Delhi Mumbai, there has been a decline in rents in other places as well.

The prices were increased after the closure of Go First

After the bankruptcy of GoFirst in May, the rate of air tickets had increased. However, the company has sent a revival plan to DGCA to restart its flights. After getting the approval, the company can resume its flights.

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