Fixed Deposit: You will get THIS Much Interest on Investing 5 Lakhs in SBI, PNB, HDFC, BOB – Check the interest rate

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Fixed Deposit : Fixed Deposit (FD) is still a popular way to get safe and fixed returns. Banks have different FD interest rates and senior citizens get higher interest rates than general customers.

In this, a fixed amount is deposited for a fixed period. Let us know what interest rates are being offered on FD in major banks like SBI, PNB, BoB, HDFC, ICICI and Canara Bank and how much maturity amount will be received on an investment of Rs 5 lakh.

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SBI (State Bank of India) FD Interest Rates

SBI gives 7.25% interest rate to general citizens on its 444 days Amrit Vrishti FD scheme. At the same time, the interest rate on 1 year, 3 year and 5 year FD is 6.80%, 6.75% and 6.50% respectively.

  • Return on investment in 1 year: For an investment of Rs 5 lakh, the maturity amount will be ₹5,34,877.
  • Returns in 3 years: Maturity amount ₹6,11,196.
  • Returns in 5 years: Maturity amount ₹6,90,210.

PNB (Punjab National Bank) FD Interest Rates

PNB offers 7.25% interest on its 400 days FD scheme. Interest rates on 1 year, 3 year, and 5 year FDs are 6.80%, 7%, and 6.50%, respectively.

  • Return on Investment in 1 Year: Maturity Amount ₹5,34,877.
  • Returns in 3 years: Maturity amount ₹6,15,720.
  • Returns in 5 years: Maturity amount ₹6,90,210.

Canara Bank FD Interest Rates

Canara Bank offers 7.25% interest on FDs of 444 days. Interest rates on 1 year, 3 year, and 5 year FDs are 6.85%, 6.80%, and 6.70%, respectively.

  • Return on Investment in 1 Year: Maturity Amount ₹5,35,140.
  • Returns in 3 years: Maturity amount ₹6,12,099.
  • Returns in 5 years: Maturity amount ₹6,97,033.

BoB (Bank of Baroda) FD Interest Rates

BoB offers 7.30% interest on 400 days FD scheme. Interest rates on 1 year, 3 year, and 5 year FDs are 6.85%, 7.15%, and 6.80%, respectively.

  • Return on Investment in 1 Year: Maturity Amount ₹5,35,140.
  • Returns in 3 years: Maturity amount ₹6,18,448.
  • Returns in 5 years: Maturity amount ₹7,00,469.

HDFC Bank FD Interest Rates

HDFC Bank offers 7.40% interest on 4 years 7 months (55 months) FDs. Interest rates on 1 year, 3 year, and 5 year FDs are 6.60%, 7%, and 7%, respectively.

  • Return on Investment in 1 Year: Maturity Amount ₹5,33,826.
  • Returns in 3 years: Maturity amount ₹6,15,720.
  • Returns in 5 years: Maturity amount ₹7,07,389.

ICICI Bank FD Interest Rates

ICICI Bank offers 7.25% interest on FDs of 15 months to 2 years. Interest rates on 1 year, 3 year, and 5 year FDs are 6.70%, 7%, and 7%, respectively.

  • Return on Investment in 1 Year: Maturity Amount ₹5,34,351.
  • Returns in 3 years: Maturity amount ₹6,15,720.
  • Returns in 5 years: Maturity amount ₹7,07,389.

Bank FD is a safe and fixed income source for investors who want to grow their money without any risk. Compare interest rates before investing and choose a bank as per your need. This investment can prove to be more beneficial for senior citizens as they get additional interest.

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