FD: 8% return on FD for only 400 days, know which bank is offering?

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Investing in Fixed Deposit is one of the better options at this time. Because FD is considered a safe investment. Investors can invest for short term as well as for long term.

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Depending on the requirement, you can choose the tenure of the FD as per your requirement. Many banks are currently giving bumper returns on FDs. Some banks have launched special FD scheme. Indian Bank has also increased the validity of its special term deposits. Now you can take advantage of this FD till 30.06.2023.

While giving information about this special FD scheme, the bank has told how to invest in this scheme. For this, you can adopt both online and offline methods. An amount ranging from Rs 10,000 to less than Rs 2 crore can be invested in this.

Indian Bank has increased FD rates

From 20 April 2023, Indian Bank had also revised its interest rates on “IND Super 400 Days”. The bank has earlier offered 7.10% interest rate to general public, 7.15% interest rate to women customers, 7.65% interest rate to women senior citizens, 7.60% interest rate to senior citizens, 7.90% interest rate to women super senior citizens and 7.90% interest to super senior citizens. Was getting the benefit of 7.85% interest rate. But now in this special fixed deposit, general customers are getting the benefit of 7.25% interest rate, senior citizens 7.75% interest rate and super senior citizens 8.00% interest rate.

Indian Bank FD Rates

Bank offers its customers 2.80% on FDs of 7 days to 14 days, 2.80% on FDs of 15 days to 29 days, 3% on FDs of 30 days to 45 days, 3.25% on FDs of 46 days to 90 days % and is paying 3.50% interest on FDs of 91 days to 120 days. The bank is paying 3.85% interest on FDs ranging from 121 days to 180 days, 4.50% on FDs ranging from 181 days to less than 9 months and 4.75% on FDs ranging from 9 months to less than 1 year.

Indian Bank offers its customers 6.10% on FDs of 1 year, 6.30% on FDs above 1 year and less than 2 years, 6.70% on FDs of 2 years to less than 3 years, 3 years to less than 5 years Is paying 6.25% interest on FD. Apart from this, the bank is paying 6.25% interest on FDs of 5 years and 6.10% on FDs above 5 years.

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