EPFO: The date for submission of salary and allowance details of these employees has been extended

EPFO Pension
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There is good news for thousands of employees and pensioners. Their time limit has been extended. Its notification was issued by the ministry. The ministry said that this was demanded by the employees.

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After which the time has been extended for their convenience. Now this process will have to be completed by December. There is good news for thousands of employees and pensioners. Their time limit has been extended. Its notification was issued by the ministry. The ministry said that this was demanded by the employees. After which the time has been extended for their convenience. Now this process will have to be completed by December.

EPFO ​​has given big relief to the employees. The date for submission of salary and allowances details of employees opting for higher pension has been extended. Now employees and pensioners will be able to submit salary and allowance details till 31st December.

Facility to choose higher pension option

The Employees Provident Fund Organization had given the facility to employers to choose the option of higher pension. The last date for submitting details of salary and allowances of employees has been extended by 3 months. Earlier, the deadline for submitting the details was ending on 30th September, whereas now the employees will get 3 more months to submit the details of salary and allowances. After the order of the Supreme Court, the employees were provided the option to choose higher pension.

Appeal to extend the deadline

The statement by the Labor Ministry said that employers and employer unions had appealed to extend the time limit for uploading the salary details of members including applicant pensioners. After which their demands have been accepted by the ministry. As of September 29, 5.52 lakh applications for verification of salary allowances are pending with the appointing authority. The ministry says that after considering the request, the EPFO ​​Board Chairman has extended the deadline for submission of salary details etc. till December 31.

Earlier, the Supreme Court had said in its order on November 4, 2022 that EPFO ​​will have to give 4 months time to all its eligible members to choose the option of higher pension. The 4-month period ended on 3 March. Since then this deadline is being extended.

The provision was first added to section 11(3) of EPS-95 in March 1996. In which members were allowed to increase their pension contribution up to 8.33% of their full salary (Salary-DA). If he was given a chance for higher pension. However, only 6 months time was given to file the Joint Option Form for this. Due to which the employees had reached the Supreme Court.

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