EPFO has provided big facilities to its more than 6.5 crore PF account holders and 73 lakh EPF pensioners by taking big decisions in the CBT meeting of EPFO. Introduced calculator for PF account holders, EPS 95 pensioners and EDLI insurance holders, along with facility for EPS 95 pensioners to submit life certificate from home, through mobile, under face authentication system.
After the two-day CBT meeting that concluded on Saturday, Labor Minister, Bhupendra Yadav introduced the calculator, for calculation of PF account holders, EPF pension holders and EDLI insurance, same as for “Face Authentication” facility for old age pensioners. Under this, the facility of submission of Digital Life Certificate through mobile application has been provided from home. Let us know in detail about these EPFO ​​Good News.
EPF Pension Calculator
Labor Minister Shri Bhupendra Yadav launched Pension Calculator, which provides online facility to the pensioner and family members to calculate pension linked benefits, through this calculator it can be predicted, retirement How much pension will I get after that? And those who are pensioners of EPFO ​​will also be able to calculate their pension (EPF Pension Calculation) through Pension Calculator. for which they are eligible.
This pension calculator will be available on the website of EPFO, which will be accessible by everyone. In future, through this calculator, family pension, old age pension calculation etc. will also be added.
EPFO Good News: EDLI Calculator launched.
After the conclusion of the meeting, Labor Minister Shri Bhupendra Yadav launched the EDLI Calculator, which provides online facility to PF members to calculate the death linked insurance benefit, which can be obtained from the family members of the EDLI insured. You will be able to know how much amount will be received under the insurance. for which he deserves.
Also, the employees will be able to estimate according to the present situation, how much insurance amount they will leave for their family due to any accident. Through both these calculators, there will be transparency in PF account holders and pensioners.
Now the life certificate will be submitted sitting at home (Digital Life Certificate)
Shri Bhupendra Yadav also started the facility of Face Authentication Technology with the help of UIDAI Portal for Digital Life Certificate (Jeevan Pramaan Patra) to help those pensioners who have lost their bio-metrics due to old age. (Fingerprint and Iris) face difficulties in obtaining.
This will benefit such old pensioners who earlier used to deposit their life certificate by visiting the bank, post office or EPFO ​​office. Or those whose biometrics such as fingerprints of hands, biometrics could not be obtained from eyes, now they will also be able to submit Digital Life Certificate, sitting at home, with the facility of face authentication technology. For this, they have to download RD and Face application in their mobile.
Training will be given to 14 thousand employees.
To develop the officers and employees of EPFO ​​into a competent, responsible and future ready worker, under the training policy of EPFO. Under the training policy, 14,000 employees will be trained every year for eight days and for this 3 percent of the salary budget will be spent. Due to which trained employees will be able to run PF account holders and all the services of PF in a proper way.