Employees Latest Update: Big News ! Employees will get the benefit of new pay scale, 29,200 rupees will come in the account

Retirement Planning: Saving 50 rupees every day, 3 crore rupees will be deposited till retirement!
Retirement Planning: Saving 50 rupees every day, 3 crore rupees will be deposited till retirement!
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The teachers who are currently working will continue to work. Apart from this, new restoration will be seen on new vacant posts. The vacant posts of 17446 teachers have been surrendered by the state government.

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Now new recruitment will be available on the posts of assistant teachers. However, the posts of Graduate Instructor Assistant Teachers will continue as before. New cadres have been constituted by the Jharkhand Government for Assistant Professor in Preliminary School. New pay scales have also been fixed for this. 20825 posts of Intermediate Trained Assistant State were created while 29175 posts of Graduate Trained Assistant Professors were created in Middle School. 17446 posts of Inter Trained Assistant Teacher have been surrendered.

Recruitment will be seen on 50000 posts. In which 50% posts will be filled by promotion while 50% posts will be filled by direct recruitment. Salary will be made available to these teachers under the new pay scale. Let us inform that earlier, the pay scales of 35400 were made available to the inter-trained assistant teachers of classes I to V. Under the rules now, teachers will be provided pay scales of 25500 for appointment to the posts of Inter-trained Assistant Professor.

Under the same rule, the pay scales of promotion appointment level 47600 were fixed to teachers from class VI to VIII. Under the new rule, now the employees will be provided pay scale of 29200 for appointment to the posts of Graduate Trained Assistant Professor from class 6 to 8.

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