Employees Big updates: Departmental order issued regarding reservation in promotion of employees, will get this benefit

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New Delhi : The matter of reservation in promotion for PWD is under discussion in various courts of the country for a long time.

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Meanwhile, the Railways has set rules and instructions regarding reservation in promotion. Under this rule and instructions, the employees will be given the benefit of reservation in promotion.

Issuing the order, the Ministry of Railways has stated that the issue of reservation in promotion for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD) was under litigation before various Courts for a long time, and Hon’ble The Supreme Court has given its order dated 28.09.2021 in the “Application”.

In the case of ‘Siddaraju Vs. State Government’, for clarification, in the Civil Appeal No. 1567/2017, as per the provision given in section 34 of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016, instructions have been issued to the Government on reservation in promotion. instructed to do.

Whereas the Department of Personnel & Training through their Office Memorandum No. 36012/1/2020-Estt.(Res.-II) dated 17.05.2022, reservation in promotion in posts and services to the disabled. promotion) detailed instructions have been issued.

As defined under Section 2 of the said Act notified by the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEPwD).

The matter has been considered by the Board and it has been decided that the instructions issued by the DoPT under their reference to provide reservation in promotion to PWBD on non-gazetted posts of Indian Railways. As per Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment Notification No. 38-16/2020-DD-IIT dated 04.01.2021 and Board’s letter E(NG) II/2017/RC- 2/1/Policy dated 27.02.2019.


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