Employees Benefit: DA increased again by 4.27 percent, order issued

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Employees Benefit: Employees have received a big gift before Diwali. Their dearness allowance has been increased. Orders have been issued for this.

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As per the order issued by the Ministry, his dearness allowance has been increased for the quarter. Dearness allowance has been increased by 4.27 percent. With this it has increased to 48.51%.

The salary of bank employees has been increased before Diwali. The Industrial Labor Price Index has been confirmed for the quarter ending September 2023. All India Consumer Price Index has been released. In which the figure for July 2023 is 9183.68 while for August 2023 9150.81 has been recorded. The figure for September 2023 has increased to a record 9039.06.

Increased dearness allowance

The average figure for this is 9124 and in this case the number of DA slabs recorded is 693. In such a situation, there has been an increase in DA slabs of 61 i.e. 693 slabs for the payment of bank employees for the months of November, December and January 2024.

In such a situation, the rate of dearness allowance given to workers and officer employees for the months of November, December and January 2024 will be 48.51% of the salary. The third place decimal can be ignored while calculating dearness allowance.

Earlier, at present 44.24% dearness allowance was being paid to bank officer employees. Bank dearness allowance was increased by 44.24 percent for August, September and October 2023. Now it was increased by 4.27%.

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