Emergency Loan : You can get a loan of 10 thousand on Aadhaar card without guarantee, apply like this

Emergency Loan : You can get a loan of 10 thousand on Aadhaar card without guarantee, apply like this
Emergency Loan : You can get a loan of 10 thousand on Aadhaar card without guarantee, apply like this
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If you need money in an emergency, you can apply for it with the help of Aadhaar card. In which you have to go to the app or official website of the NBFC (Non-Banking Financial Company) and Fintech platform.

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Emergency Loan: Many times there are situations when you suddenly need money and no friend or relative can help you. If you are also stuck in such a situation, then with the help of Aadhaar card you can get an instant loan of Rs 10,000.

The biggest feature of this loan is that you don’t have to repay it all at once, it can be repaid in installments as per your convenience. Also, no collateral is required for this loan of Rs 10,000. Let’s know the details about it.

Aadhar Card Loan

A loan of Rs 10,000 available on Aadhar card is called a personal loan. Generally, apart from Aadhar card, no other documents are required for a personal loan. In this, Aadhar card is asked only for identification and Rs 10,000 is transferred to your account immediately. If you use a PAN card, you can also get a loan of a higher amount.

Who gives loan on Aadhaar card?

Very few government banks give personal loans. If you have a good credit score and you use PAN card while applying for a loan, private banks easily give personal loans. If you do not have a PAN card, you can take a personal loan from NBFC (Non-Banking Financial Company) and Fintech platforms with the help of Aadhaar card.

How to Apply?

If you need money in an emergency, you can apply for it with the help of Aadhaar card, in which you have to go to the app or official website of the NBFC (Non-Banking Financial Company) and Fintech platform. Where you can easily take a personal loan by providing Aadhaar card and necessary details.

Who can get this loan?

People between the age group of 21 to 60 can apply for a personal loan with the help of Aadhaar card. Only those people who are employed or have their own business can apply for this. Along with this, you should also have an active bank account.

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