Electricity Bill Discount : Good news for electricity consumers.. There will be discount on depositing outstanding electricity bills

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The UP government has given a good news for the electricity consumers of UP. One-time settlement scheme 2024-25 has been implemented for electricity bill defaulters. This scheme will run in three phases from 15 December to 31 January 2025.

To avail the scheme, consumers will have to register on the corporation’s website and compulsorily deposit 30 percent of the principal dues.

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This scheme will run in three phases

First phase – from 15 December 2024 to 31 December i.e. for a total of 16 days. 100% discount on lump sum payment of up to one kilowatt load and principal outstanding up to five thousand. 75% discount on late payment surcharge on payment in 10 installments. 70% in lump sum, 60% in installments on outstanding dues above five thousand

Second phase- This will be from January 1 to January 15. There will be 80% discount on lump sum payment up to Rs. 5000 and 65% discount on installment. 60% discount on more than Rs. 5000 and 50% discount on installment.

Third phase- This will be from January 16 to January 31. 70% discount will be given on lump sum deposit, 55% discount on installment deposit. 50% discount on dues of more than five thousand and 40% discount on installment.

Benefit of one-time settlement scheme

The government has also recently launched a One-Time Settlement Scheme. Under this scheme, farmers who have electricity bill dues can pay their old dues by depositing a lump sum amount. This initiative has brought relief to those farmers who were unable to pay their electricity bills due to financial constraints.

How to get the benefit of these schemes

To avail the benefits of the scheme, consumers can register through the departmental section/sub-section office, Vidyut Sakhi, Jan Seva Kendra, or departmental website www.uppcl.org. Latest electricity bill and mobile number will be mandatory for registration. Payment can also be made through these means in lump sum or in installments.

If the consumer does not make the payment within the stipulated time limit after registration, he will not get the benefit of the scheme and his surcharge will be increased. The scheme also provides a solution to disputed and pending cases in the court, in which the consumer will have to promise to withdraw his case after making the payment.

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