e-KYC update: It is necessary for ration card holders to get e-KYC done, otherwise, your name will be deleted

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Ration Card E-Kyc: The Government of India runs many schemes for the betterment of its citizens. One such scheme is the ration card scheme, through which the government provides food grains to the poor and needy people.

Under the National Food Security Act, ration is provided to the poor and needy people on ration cards at a very low price. Not only this, with the help of ration card, citizens can also take advantage of many other schemes of the government.

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The government has recently issued an important information for ration card holders. About which all ration card holders should know.

Ration will stop being available, do this work immediately

According to this information, all ration card holders will have to complete their e-KYC i.e. electronic KYC on time. If a ration card holder does not complete his e-KYC on time, then his name will be removed from the ration card and he will stop getting ration. The government’s purpose behind this step is that the ration reaches the right and needy people, and it is not misused.

Deadline for getting e KYC done

Earlier the last date for getting e KYC done was 31 September 2024, which was later extended to 30 November 2024. Now once again the deadline has been extended to 31 December 2024. If any ration card holder does not get e KYC done by 31 December 2024, then from 1 January 2025, they will stop getting ration at a lower price from the government. And the names of people who do not get e KYC done will be removed from the Ration Beneficiary List.

If you also take advantage of this government facility on your ration card, then complete your e KYC as soon as possible or else you will stop getting ration.

You can also do e KYC for free

Many times people leave their village and come to the city for livelihood. Such people can do e KYC of ration card from anywhere in the country. For this, they do not need to return to their village or state. They can go to their nearest public distribution system shop and complete the e KYC process for free.

How to get e-KYC done

It is not difficult to get e KYC done. You can easily complete your e KYC process by following the method given below.

Step 1. To get e KYC done, first of all ration card holders have to go to the nearest ration shop with their Aadhar card and ration card.

Step 2. You will have to verify your identity on the POS machine present at the shop. For which you will have to put your thumb on the POS machine.

Step 3. After fingerprint verification, your e KYC process will be completed.

Step 4. After the e KYC process is completed, confirm it once from the ration dealer.

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