Driving speed Limit Fixed on Highways: Big News! The speed of driving on expressway or a village road has been fixed! know here speed limit

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The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways has fixed the speed of vehicles on all roads. This speed is different for different categories of vehicles.

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Speed ​​indicators are not installed on the roads of municipality or villages, but for driving faster than the fixed speed, the traffic police can challan you here too. Let’s know what kind of road at what speed you can drive the vehicle.

The speed of driving is fixed on all the roads of the country. Be it expressway or village roads. The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways has fixed the speed of vehicles. These speeds are different for different categories of vehicles. Speed ​​indicators may not be visible on the roads of municipality or villages, but you can be challaned for driving faster than the fixed speed. Let’s know, on what kind of road, at what speed the vehicle can be driven.

The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways has divided the roads across the country into four categories. The first expressway, the second four-lane or more-lane road with dividers, the third municipal border roads and the fourth category other roads, including roads in rural areas.

Six categories of vehicles have been kept. In which the first is M1 category vehicles, that is, such vehicles which have nine seats apart from the driver, it includes all types of cars. In the second category, there are M1 and M3 category vehicles ie vehicles with nine or more seats apart from the driver. In the third, N category ie goods vehicles have been kept. Bikes are in the fourth category. Quadricycles have been placed in the fifth category and three-wheelers in the sixth. In this way, six categories of vehicles and four categories of roads have been decided.

Fixed speed of road and vehicles fixed by the Ministry of Road Transport

M1 category, i.e. vehicles with nine seats apart from the driver, includes all cars – 120 kmph on expressways, 100 kmph on four-lane or more than 4-lane roads with dividers. Per hour, the maximum speed on the roads of the municipal limits is 70 km. per hour and 70 km on other roads. The hourly speed is fixed.

 M1 and M3 category, ie vehicles with nine or more seats apart from the driver – the maximum speed of these vehicles on the expressway is 100 kmph. Maximum 90 km per hour on four lane or more road with divider in the middle. per hour, 60 km on the road of municipal limits. per hour and 60 km on other roads also. The hourly speed is fixed.

N category i.e. goods vehicles – the maximum speed of these vehicles on the expressway is 80 kmph, the maximum speed of 80 kmph on the road of four lanes or more lanes with dividers in the middle. per hour, 60 km on the roads of the municipality border area. 60 km per hour or even on other roads. The speed per hour is fixed.

Motor Cycle – 80 Kms on Expressway (if permitted) Maximum speed of 80 km per hour on a road with divider of four lanes or more lanes. per hour, a maximum of 60 km on the roads in the municipal limits. per hour and 60 km on other roads also. The speed per hour is fixed.

Quadricycle – Not allowed on expressways, maximum speed 60 kmph on roads with dividers on four lanes or more. per hour, a maximum of 50 km on the roads of the municipal limits. per hour and 50 km on other roads also. Hourly speed is fixed.

Three wheelers – not allowed on expressways, maximum 50 kmph on roads with dividers of four lanes or more, maximum speed 50 kmph on roads within municipal limits. per hour and 50 km on other roads also. The hourly speed is fixed.

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