DRDO Recruitment 2022: Recruitment on Apprentice posts in DRDO, know the necessary information here

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DRDO Recruitment 2022: Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) has released the notification for the recruitment of Apprentice posts on the official website drdo.gov.in. Candidates can apply for DRDO Apprentice Recruitment 2022 within 15 days from the date of issue of advertisement in Employment News.

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DRDO Apprentice Vacancy 2022:

So Many Vacancies According to the official notification, through this process, 36 vacancies of Apprentice vacancies will be recruited in Defense Laboratory, Jodhpur. In which, 7 posts of electronics trade, 1 post of carpenter, 1 post of welder, 1 post of turner, 1 post of machinist, 1 post of fitter, 1 post of electrician and 6 posts of stenographer and secretarial assistant are included.

DRDO Apprentice Eligibility: Selection will be like this

The selection for recruitment to the post of Apprentice in DRDO will be done on the basis of merit. Please tell that the selected candidates will be given a stipend of Rs 7000 per month. Candidates can apply in prescribed format on mail id [email protected] within stipulated time. For detailed information you can check the official notification.

DRDO JRF Vacancy 2022: Will get this much stipend

DRDO has invited applications for recruitment to the post of Junior Research Fellow. Age should not be more than 28 years for recruitment to these posts. However, reserved candidates will get relaxation in upper age limit as per government rules. Candidates selected for Junior Research Fellowship will be given a stipend of Rs.31000/- per month. For more details you can check the official website.

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