Delhi airport New Update: Delhi airport’s fourth runway ready, flight will start from this day; Now only departure facility

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People traveling from Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International Airport are going to get great convenience. The fourth runway of Delhi airport is ready and soon the movement of aircraft will also start on it.

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It is being told that from July 13, the fourth runway of Delhi airport will be used. The name of this new runway will be ‘Runway 29 Right and 11 Left’ (29R / 11L). According to a senior ATC official, the management has issued a publication to appoint trained staff to run the operation on the new runway. Delhi ATC official told news agency ANI that the Airport Authority of India (AAI) is ready to deploy people there.

Soon the fourth runway at Delhi airport will be operational. After this Delhi airport will be the only airport in the country which will have four runways. There are many such airports abroad. Presently Delhi has three runway system. The fourth runway of Delhi airport will be used only for departure.

This means that only planes will be able to take off from this runway. There will be no landing of planes coming from outside on this runway. According to ATC data, after the commencement of the fourth runway, 100 aircraft will be able to operate per hour. Delhi ATC currently handles 86 aircraft per hour. After the arrival of the fourth runway, 100 aircraft will be able to operate.

According to the information, Delhi International Airport Limited plans to close two runways including the main runway after the fourth runway is commissioned. In fact, maintenance work is pending on both these runways, for which there is a plan to close them.

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