Dearness Allowance Increased: Good News! DA of more than 8 lakh employees increased, know from when salary will increase

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More than 8 lakh bankers and other employees will benefit from this. This dearness allowance is for November 2022, December 2022 and January 2023. The special thing is that this time the dearness allowance has gone up to 38.92 percent.

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After Diwali, lakhs of bankers have also got a big gift. His Dearness Allowance, DA has increased. More than 8 lakh bankers and other employees will benefit from this. This dearness allowance is for November 2022, December 2022 and January 2023. The special thing is that this time the dearness allowance has gone up to 38.92 percent.

According to the order of the Indian Banks Association (IBA), this time there has been an increase of 30 slabs in dearness allowance. The copy of the order is with Prabhat According to this, the average CPI is 8576.69 and accordingly the DA slabs are 556.

According to IBA, the average of AIACPI (All India Average Consumer Price Index) for industrial worker in November 2022, December 2022 and January 2023 is 8576.69. Due to this DA increased from 526 slabs to 556 slabs (8576 – 6352= 2224/4= 556 slabs).


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