Dearness allowance: Dearness allowance file reached Modi cabinet, now it can be announced anytime- Know important updates

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7th Pay Commission news: The wait for the central employees is about to end. At the end of this month, it will be known how much his dearness allowance has increased. The central government has made preparations for this. The file of DA / DR has reached the Union Cabinet.

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The way has been cleared for dearness allowance for central employees and pensioners. This episode has gone one step further. Now the file of proposal of Dearness Allowance in the Union Cabinet has gone ahead. If sources are to be believed, the file of DA and DR hike has already reached the Union Cabinet.

Now it will be approved. Sources have claimed that it will be approved in the cabinet in the last week of September and the increased DA of the employees will be announced. Let us tell you, this time there may be an increase of 4 percent in Dearness Allowance (DA). At present, dearness allowance is being given at the rate of 34 per cent. After increasing, it will reach 38 percent.

Dearness allowance will be increased for the second time in a year

The central government announces dearness allowance twice a year. It is implemented on two half-yearly basis. The first is applicable from January and the second from July. Dearness Allowance was increased by 3 per cent for January 2022. It was increased from 31 per cent to 34 per cent. Keeping in view the level of inflation, it is given as alimony to the central employees. It is scaled up on the data of the AICPI index. On the basis of first half figures, dearness allowance increases in July. At the same time, on the data between July and December, it is announced to increase DA in January.

Keeping in view the level of inflation, dearness allowance increases

At present, the level of inflation in the country is much above the estimates of the Reserve Bank of India. However, now it is under control. However, there has been a steady increase in the industrial inflation figure. From this it has been estimated that there may be an increase of 4 percent in dearness allowance from July. Data from the All India Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers has also revealed that DA / DR may increase by 4 percent.

52 lakh employees and 63 lakh pensioners will get benefit

About 52 lakh central government employees and 63 lakh pensioners will get the benefit of dearness allowance, which will be applicable from July 2022. The minimum basic salary in the pay-level band of the employees is Rs 18000. On this, dearness allowance is paid at the rate of 34 percent. If there is an increase of 4 per cent in DA, then it will reach 38 per cent. This will increase the pocket of that employee by Rs 720 per month. At the same time, the employees whose basic salary is 25 thousand rupees, then there will be a benefit of 1000 rupees every month in their salary. 

Calculation on minimum basic salary

1. Basic salary of the employee Rs 18,000 
2. Existing dearness allowance (34%) Rs 6120/month
3. New dearness allowance (38%) Rs 6840/month
4. By how much dearness allowance increased 6840- 6120 = Rs 720/month
5. Increase in annual salary 720X12 = Rs 8640

Calculation on maximum basic salary

1. Basic salary of the employee Rs
56900 2. Dearness allowance so far (34%) Rs 19346 / month
3. New dearness allowance (38%) Rs 21622 / month
4. How much dearness allowance increased 21622-19346 = Rs 2276 / month
5. Increase in annual salary 2276 X12 = Rs 27,312

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