Delhi Development Authority (DDA) will e-auction some of its luxury apartments in Dwarka Sector 19B on March 5. The houses that will be sold here have been designed in such a way that you will like them at first sight.
Delhi Development Authority (DDA) will e-auction some of its luxury apartments in Dwarka Sector 19B on March 5. There will be a third phase of the auction. The authority has started taking registrations for this auction. 28th February (Wednesday) will be the last day of registration. In this auction, penthouses worth Rs 5 crore and HIG flats worth Rs 2.05 crore will be auctioned by DDA.
The authority had conducted the first round of e-auction for 296 apartments on January 5, in which 274 apartments were booked, while the second round of e-auction for 707 apartments was held on February 5. The flats being offered through e-auction are part of DDA’s Festival Special Housing Scheme 2023,
where penthouses, Super HIG (Higher Income Group), HIG, MIG (Middle Income Group), LIG (Lower Income Group), and 32,000 flats have been put up for sale under various categories including EWS (Economically Weaker Section).