DDA Housing Scheme : You will get the cheapest flats in these 3 housing schemes, applications will start today

DDA Housing Scheme : You will get the cheapest flats in these 3 housing schemes, applications will start today
DDA Housing Scheme : You will get the cheapest flats in these 3 housing schemes, applications will start today
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DDA Housing Scheme– Applications for DDA Shramik Housing Scheme and Sabka Ghar Housing Scheme can be made till March 31. In these housing schemes, DD will provide flats at 25 percent discount.

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There is good news for the people living in the national capital. They can apply from today to get cheap houses in the three major housing schemes of Delhi Development Authority (DDA). Applications for DDA Shramik Awas Yojana and Sabka Ghar Awas Yojana will start from today i.e. Wednesday, while applications in DDA Special Housing Scheme have started from January 14.

DDA Shramik Awas Yojana has been brought mainly for building and construction workers. Workers registered with Delhi Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board (DBOCWWB) can participate in this scheme. Under this scheme, 700 EWS flats have been prepared in Narela. This scheme is on first come, first serve basis. In this, flats will be available at a discount of 25 percent. The starting price of the flats is Rs 8.65 lakh. The booking amount is Rs 50 thousand. Booking can be done from January 15 to March 31.

DDA Sabka Ghar Housing Scheme

Applications for DDA Sabka Ghar Housing Scheme will also start from today. Under this scheme, flats will be given to people of certain categories like auto rickshaw drivers and cab drivers (registered in Delhi), street vendors or hawkers registered under PM Swanidhi Scheme, wives of martyrs, Divyang, SC/ST.

For this scheme, EWS and LIG flats have been built in Loknayak Puram, Sirsapur and Narela. There are MIG (DDA MIG Flats) and HIG (DDA HIG Flats) flats in Loknayak Puram and Narela. Flats will also be available at a discount of 25 percent in Sabka Ghar Housing Scheme. Their starting price is Rs 8.65 lakh.

DDA Special Housing Scheme

The third scheme is DDA Special Housing Scheme. In this scheme, flats will be sold through e-auction. 110 HIG, MIG and LIG flats will be sold. The starting price of these flats is Rs 29 lakh. Registration for the DDA Special Housing Scheme began on Tuesday. The last date for submitting the forms is February 6. The online auction will be held on February 11.

Get information from here

More information about these schemes can be obtained from the DDA website. Also, more information about these schemes can be known by calling the DDA helpline number 1800110332.

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