DA Increased: Govt employees Diwali gift, DA increased by 4% in another state, Check Details

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The Madhya Pradesh government has given a Diwali gift to its employees. Dearness Allowance (DA) has been increased. An official said on Monday that this increase will be effective from January 1, 2024. The arrears will be paid in four installments in this financial year.

Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav has congratulated all the officers and employees of Madhya Pradesh on the auspicious festival of Diwali as well as Madhya Pradesh Foundation Day on November 1. Dr. Yadav said that on this occasion the state government has decided to increase the dearness allowance of all officers and employees by 4 percent. This day reminds us of our glorious past with the establishment of our state.

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Chief Minister Dr. Yadav said that 46 percent dearness allowance to government servants was approved by the Finance Department on March 14, 2024. Accordingly, the increased rate of approved dearness allowance was made effective from July 1, 2023 and the arrears amount was also paid in installments. Now dearness allowance will be payable to government servants at the rate of 50 percent from January 1, 2024. The arrears will be paid in four equal installments in this financial year.

The Chief Minister said that all the officers and employees deserve congratulations. Due to your dedication, hard work and positive thinking, you all have a special identity among the officers and employees of the entire country. It is also the responsibility of the government to take care of your interests. He said that the dedication of government servants towards their work has taken Madhya Pradesh towards a better future. Chief Minister Dr. Yadav has acknowledged the contribution of government servants in the progress and development of the state. Chief Minister Dr. Yadav said that on the occasion of Diwali, citizens should take care of themselves. They should also take care of those around them. We all should make collective efforts so that even the poorest person of the state is happy.

Earlier, the Central Government along with the governments of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Assam, Himachal Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh and Jharkhand have increased DA.

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