Credit Card Tips: Many users who use credit cards do not pay attention to its fees. On most credit cards, you have to pay joining fees and annual charges. If you have a credit card whose annual fee is very high, then there may be a way to get it waived off.
In some cases, banks give offers in which the annual fee is waived if the cardholder spends more than a certain limit.
Suppose you have a credit card with an annual fee of ₹1,000. Now if the bank offers the option of waiving off the fee in the second year, the cardholder has to spend a certain amount (for example, Rs 3 lakh) using the card in the first year (also called the anniversary year). This means that if you have spent Rs 3 lakh through this card, you will not have to pay the annual fee of Rs 1,000 next year. If the annual fee is a concern, you can also get a card that has no annual fee.
These cards are useful.
Here we will tell you about some credit cards of Axis Bank, in which annual fee is waived off on spending a certain limit in a year.
- Axis Ace Credit Card:Â Â The annual fee of this card is Rs 499. However, the annual fee will be waived if you spend Rs 2 lakh in a year.
- Axis Bank Rewards Credit Card:Â Its annual fee is Rs 1,000, but if you spend more than Rs 2 lakh annually, this fee is waived off.
- Airtel Axis Bank Credit Card:Â Â The annual fee of this card is Rs 500. However, the annual fee is waived if you spend Rs 2 lakh in a year.
- Axis Bank Freecharge Plus Credit Card:Â It gives the option of fee waiver on spending Rs 50,000 in the anniversary year.
- Flipkart Axis Bank Super Elite Credit Card:Â Â The annual fee of this card is Rs 500. However, the annual fee is reversed after spending Rs 2 lakh in a year.
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