Confirm Ticket Booking: Confirmed train ticket will be booked in just one minute, this trick can be useful

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If you are planning to go home on Diwali and Chhath this time, then there is good news for you. Actually, the master list is very useful to get a confirmed ticket in an instant. This feature is present in IRCTC’s app and website.

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New Delhi. Confirmed tickets are usually available through the Tatkal service of the Railways. But, getting tickets even from Tatkal becomes difficult during the festive season. This happens because the number of passengers traveling by train on Diwali and Chhath increases a lot. A large number of people try to book tickets immediately. In this endeavor, many people find themselves disappointed.

While booking tatkal tickets online, it takes so much time to fill the details of the passenger that only the tatkal quota is fulfilled. If someone fills the details too soon, then the person gets stuck in entering the payment details and is deprived of the ticket. For offline Tatkal tickets, you will have to stand in a long line at the railway counter. If you are far behind, then you will have to come empty handed from there too.

Keep these things in mind , to get a confirmed ticket in instant, it is most important that you book the ticket from IRCTC only. Second, your internet connection needs to be running properly. Third, choose the quick payment method i.e. the option with early payment, such as UPI or Paytm. And yes, there must be full money in the account. These are common things. Most of the travelers have started taking care of these things. So how will you stay ahead of most people? This is the million-tillion question.

Master list is master stroke Yes, if you book tickets online with the option of IRCTC master list, then the chances of getting a confirmed ticket increase more than Tatkal. Master list is a kind of feature, which is present in IRCTC’s app and website. You have to make a travel list in the master list. In this, you have to enter the necessary information related to the journey. If you have entered all the travel related information before the booking starts, then you will not have to waste time in entering these information when the ticket booking starts. You have to select the master list directly after the booking starts.

Create master list like this

  • First of all log in by opening IRCTC app and entering your ID password.
  • On the mobile screen, after HOME, the option of MY ACCOUNT will come, click on it.
  • Click on My Master List.
  • If the master list has not been created earlier, then NO Record found will appear, click on OK.
  • After that click on Add Passenger.
  • Enter the details of the passenger and click on Add Passenger.
  • Now the details of the passenger will be saved and you will be able to see it.
  • At the time of booking the ticket, go to ‘My Passenger List’ and connect it directly.
  • Then choose one of the payment options and make the payment.
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