Cash Withdrawal Rules : Good News! You will not have to go to ATM to withdraw cash, now you will get money sitting at home, just do this work

Cash Withdrawal Rules : Good News! You will not have to go to ATM to withdraw cash, now you will get money sitting at home, just do this work
Cash Withdrawal Rules : Good News! You will not have to go to ATM to withdraw cash, now you will get money sitting at home, just do this work
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Aadhaar-enabled Payment Service: Rajesh Kumar, Postal Superintendent of Purnia Division Post Office, told Local 18 that India Post Payment is a special facility of the bank. It provides cash to customers sitting at home.

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Through Aadhaar ATM, any person can easily make transactions using his biometric identity. For this, it will be necessary to link the bank account with Aadhaar card. Through this facility, apart from cash withdrawal, other tasks will also be done easily. Let us tell you if you live in a rural or urban area and you are unable or unable to go to your nearest bank or ATM. Apart from this, people who are old, helpless or helpless will now be able to easily withdraw cash through Aadhaar ATM sitting at home.

Rajesh Kumar, Postal Superintendent of Purnia Division Post Office, told Local 18 that India Post Payment is a special facility of the bank. It provides cash to customers sitting at home. India Post Payment Bank has started ATM facility on online basis. With its help, any bank customer will be able to pass cash sitting at home. They will not need to go to the bank or the nearest ATM booth.

In this service, the local postman will deliver cash at home. However, he said that this payment service is completely based on the Aadhaar system. Through this, any person can make transactions using his biometric identity. For this it is necessary to link the bank account with Aadhar card. Apart from cash withdrawal, balance check and account details can also be done through this facility.

Cash ordering process

To get cash sitting at home, first you have to apply by visiting the website of India Post Payment Bank. After this the postman will reach your home with the micro ATM. The customer will have to use only biometric identification, Aadhar card will not be required. As soon as the identity is verified, the postman will give you the cash amount and this money will be deducted from the bank account of a customer like you.

Maximum amount will be withdrawn in one day

According to India Post Payment Bank, no fee will be charged from customers for asking for cash at home. There will be no charge for using the door step service. He said that according to the National Payments Corporation, the maximum transaction limit on one time transaction has been fixed at ₹ 10000. Customers have to select the correct bank for the transaction. The amount will be deducted from the primary account only. If wrong Aadhaar details are entered or wrong bank is selected then the transaction will be rejected and cancelled.

Apply like this to get cash sitting at home

To avail the benefit of Door Step Aadhaar ATM service, first of all you have to go to the website ( and choose the option of Door Step Banking. Here you will have to enter your name, mobile number, email ID, address and pin code and the correct details of the post office nearest to your home and the name of the bank account from which the money will be withdrawn. After this you will have to click on the option of ‘I Agree’.

Income Tax Department has started a new facility, crores of people will benefit from this.

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