Bihar Board released the schedule of quarterly examinations of class 9th and 11th

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Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) has released the timetable for class 9 and 11 quarterly examinations.

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The board will conduct the examination for both classes 9th and 11th in November and December. According to the information released by the board, class 9 examinations will be conducted on 28, 29 and 30 November. Whereas, the examination for class 11th will be conducted from 25th November to 2nd December.

For class IX, mother tongue (101 Hindi, 102 Bengali, 103 Urdu and 104 Maithili) will be conducted in the first shift of the first day and first shift. Indian language (code 105 to 109) will be organized in the second shift. Second shift exam will be conducted from 11:30 am.

After this, on November 29, 2023, there will be examination for Science in the first shift and Social Science in the second shift. Bihar Board has also shared information regarding the exam dates of class 9th and 11th by posting a post on social media.

According to the released schedule, Bihar Board 11th class examinations will also be conducted in two shifts. The first shift will be from 1:30 pm to 3 pm while the second shift will be from 3:30 pm to 5 pm. Whereas, on the first day, Physics and Entrepreneurship paper for this class will be held in the first shift. Whereas, in the second shift, papers of other subjects including Chemistry will be conducted.


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