Bank Update: Big news! Bank has issued new guidelines for its customers, see here new guideline immediately

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Nowadays it is the era of online and all the people do almost all the work online. Electricity bill also pays online. Be careful if you pay electricity bill online. Cheating with people in the name of electricity bill is increasing. Let us know what you have to do?

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Do not click on suspicious links

If you get any kind of link message which is suspicious, then ignore it and delete it from the phone. Many types of messages related to electricity bill, cashback or offer keep coming in which they are asked to click on the link.

If you also get a message asking you to click on the link, then be careful. Do not click on those links or else your account will be empty.

SBI gave the information

Let us inform that SBI has warned its customers and said that “Never call back or SMS on such SMS. Because it can be a means to steal your personal or financial information.

If you get a message to cut electricity bill, then understand that it is a fraud and do not click on that link. There have been many such cases in which a message is sent to the customers regarding the electricity bill that if they do not pay their electricity bill soon, then their connection will be disconnected.

A link is given along with the message to pay the electricity bill soon. After clicking on this link your account will be empty.


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