Bank FD High Interest Rate: These bank get up to 9 percent interest rate on fixed deposit, check details

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Bank FD Interest Rate: After the increase in the interest rate of fixed deposits, many banks are giving higher interest to the people. Major banks of the country are giving interest up to 8 percent.

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At the same time, Small Finance Banks are giving interest of 8.50 percent for common people to senior citizens. Although some small finance banks are giving up to 9 percent interest for senior citizens.

FD investment can be a good option for some people, but experts believe that FD rates may increase further. In such a situation, if you are also thinking of investing in these small finance banks for 9 percent interest, then know what you should do, so that no problem arises. 

Which banks are giving interest up to 9 percent 

  • Suryoday Small Finance Bank is giving 8.51 percent interest to common people and 8.76 percent to senior citizens on 999 days FD.
  • Unity Small Finance Bank is giving 8.50 percent interest to common people and 9.00 percent interest to senior citizens on 181 and 501 days.
  • Ujjivan Finance Bank is paying 8.20% interest on deposits with a tenure of 560 days.
  • ESAF Small Finance Bank is giving 8% interest to common people and up to 8.50% to senior citizens on 999 days FD.
  • Utkarsh Small Finance Bank is paying 8.25 per cent interest for general citizens and 9 per cent interest for senior citizens on 700 days FD. 

Keep these things in mind before investing 

If you are planning to invest in these small finance banks, then you should pay special attention to some things. Before taking the risk, it should be checked whether this bank is in trouble or not. Up to Rs 5 lakh is insured under the Deposit Insurance Scheme of RBI. In this insurance you get both the principal amount and the interest. If you invest in it, you can also take additional insurance.

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