Bank Close In November: Complete this work immediately, the bank will be closed for 10 days in November, here is the complete list

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November Bank Holiday: In October this year, due to festivals like Durga Puja, Dussehra, Diwali Chhath Puja, only 9 days work was done in banks. Similarly, there are going to be many holidays in the coming month i.e.

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November as well. Although nowadays due to online transactions, there is less need to go to the bank, but still one has to visit the bank for some important work. In such a situation, if you also have to settle some bank work in the coming days, then settle it immediately because in November 2022 also the bank is going to be closed for 10 days due to many reasons. Here is the complete list.

Banks will remain closed for 10 days 

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has released the list of bank holidays for the month of November on the official website, according to which, there are a total of 10 holidays in the month of November. Let us tell you that weekly holidays have also been included in this 10-day holiday. According to RBI guidelines, apart from Sundays, banks are also closed on the second and fourth Saturdays of the month. According to the Negotiable Instruments Act, RBI has declared a holiday on November 1, 8, 11 and 23. Apart from this, there are four Sundays in the month and also on the second and fourth Saturdays.

here is the full list     

  • On November 1, there will be a bank holiday in Bangalore and Imphal on account of Kannada Rajyotsava and Kut.
  • Banks will remain closed on 6th November due to Sunday.
  • On November 8, Guru Nanak Jayanti, Kartik Purnima, Rahas Purnima and Vangla Festival will be celebrated, due to which banks will remain closed.
  • Banks in Bangalore and Shillong will remain closed on November 11 on account of Wangla Festival and Kanakadasa Jayanti.
  • Banks will remain closed due to November 12 being the second Saturday of the month.
  • Sunday 13th November is a weekly holiday.
  • November 20 is a holiday because of Sunday.
  • On November 23, there will be a bank holiday in Shillong due to Seng Kutsanem.
  • Banks will remain closed due to November 26 being the fourth Saturday of the month.
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